Outpost has developed a tiered alert system so designated users can be alerted if certain circumstances arise and you wish to be notified of alarm events when they occur. This is linked to alarm conditions previously configured on individual loggers.
1) Go to the 'Settings' tab and click on 'Alarm Recipient Lists'
2) Click on 'Add new alarm recipient list' - name and description are free-text, scope and site need to be carefully selected by the user to ensure the alarm relates specifically to the relevant site/group/outpost. Description is what will appear in your SMS alert
3) Underneath this settings page are the level 1 and 2 recipient links. Firstly click on 'Add new recipient' next to Level 1
4) Here you need to configure your alerts to your own needs, you can choose email or SMS or both. The 'Delay' is hard coded to 'Immediate' so the alarm is sent as soon as it is triggered
5) Do the same for the Level 2 alarm, only this time you can set the delay to 30 mins, 1 hour, or 2 hours. This alarm should be set up to go a to a different recipient as it is designed to be a backstop in case the first alarm is not responded to.
The alarms sent via SMS/email contain an embedded link which needs to be clicked on and responded to - if no response is sent from a Level 1 alarm, the Level 2 alarm will then be sent to the nominated recipient after the predetermined 'Delay' time period has elapsed. If the Level 1 alarm response has been actioned, the Level 2 alarm is automatically switched off for the event in question