1) Click on the spanner icon and then 'Add' and create a 'Calculated Input'
Name the input 'Interval Volume' and in the '<NOT CONFIGURED>' section enter in the following VB script :
Return Inputs.Flow Rate * 900
Click on 'Test Script' - if successful a message will appear in green text at the top of the page saying 'Test succeeded', the click on 'Update' and another message in green text will appear saying 'Build succeeded, Calculated Input saved', then close window
(The figure '900' in the VB Script comes from an assumed logging interval of once every 15 minutes and a unit value of L/s. The L/s value is saying that x amount of litres were flowing every second over the last 15 minutes. There are 900 seconds in 15 minutes. If different logging configurations are used, eg every 30 minutes, then this multiplier should read 1800, and so on for other configurations)
2) Click on 'Add' to create another input and select 'Calculated Input V2 (Beta)' - this will pull in the data from the Interval Volume input and accumulate it is new data arrives
with the following VB Script with input names to match your own (italicised in the example below) :
Return Me.PreviousValue + Inputs.Interval Volume.Value+XXXXX
where XXXXX is a numerical value for the starting meter reading. As this calculation will by default start at zero you will need to input the starting value for the meter reading here and this value will be added to every reading
As above, click on 'Test Script' and follow those steps again
QUALIFIER : flow rates derived from analogue channels are based on instantaneous samples and assume a constant flow rate across the logging interval. For this reason, where available, pulse outputs representative of volume are often a more accurate method to record volumetric data