Three types of comments can be added to Wildeye graphs - vertical, horizontal, and point.
Firstly, click on the graph to open it for editing.
The options to add these comments appear when you hover the mouse over the 'Graph Comments' icon, second from the right along the bottom of the chart :
You can use the first three icons that appear to add each type of comments but the pencil icon on the top allows you to create and edit all comment types from one place.
Vertical comments
relate to a specific point along the x-axis, if you would like to delineate data before and after two points in time
looks like this on the graph :
Horizontal comments
relate to points along the y-axis, eg soil moisture thresholds.
will look like this on the graph :
Point comments
describe one-off events located at a specific x- and y-axis coordinate via a simple arrow and text box
AS with all changes to graphs, you must save before you exit for the changes to take.