There are several different ways to present data from your inputs. Below are some common ways and how to set them up.
(Please refer to this article for a guide to creating graphs from scratch)
As you can see in the image above, the graph types are listed under the 'Series Type' drop down menu option. By far the most common types selected are 'Line' and 'Line (stacked)'
This is a simple unbroken, linear representation of data, commonly used for charting a single input on one graph, like Soil Moisture Summed or multiple inputs where the data is not expected to vary significantly from one input to the next, like Soil Temperature
Line (stacked)
Using the stacked option allows users to chart multiple data inputs on one graph, where the expected values can be widely distributed and can render the y-axis too widely spread to be of any use, e.g. Soil Moisture Stacked (below). This is why the y-axis is not labelled.
To see values, the user needs to click on the graph to open it by scrolling the mouse across the graph, the value at that specific point will always be visible for each input :
In the example of Soil Moisture Stacked graphs like this the first input is used as the reference point for all subsequent inputs, so when setting up these inputs they all need to be connected to the first input. The image below shows the 'Shared' radio button in the 'Y-Axes Options' has been selected so it references the fist input (Soil Moisture 10cm). This should be repeated for all subsequent inputs in this series.
Bar and Bar (side by side)
Used to display data accumulated over a period of time rather than a continuous trace, e.g. rainfall
In this example both of these types are represented. The graph displayed here shows Hourly Rainfall (mm) and occupies a smaller footprint on the x-axis as each column only displays accumulated data over one single hour. To generate the accumulation of data the 'Statistics' settings must be configured correctly. In the case of representing hourly data in this case, 'Function' must be set to 'SUM' and 'Calculate over' to '1 hour'
For a representation of accumulated data over one day (Daily Rainfall) the Statistics must be set like this (SUM and 1 day). In this case the user can define what time each daily cycle starts (0600 in this example)
The Daily Rainfall data here has been saved as 'Bar (side by side)'. The side by side option allows you to chart the two separate data series (daily and hourly) together on the same x-axis. Selecting 'Bar' for a second data series on one chart generates a second, parallel x-axis and a '3D view'.
Two inputs, both selected as 'Bar'
Many users who wish to chart two data sets on one bar chart will select one as 'Bar' and the second one as 'Bar (side by side)' in order to make this visually more distinct.
The same two inputs, one selected as 'Bar' and one as 'Bar (side by side)'
Line Styles
Customers can present their line data in three different ways by using the 'Line Style' drop down menu. Solid is the default but Solid (Thick) and Dash can also be selected
Y-axis view
The default setting for line graphs will present the data (from the date-range selected) across it's full range of values along the y-axis, to avoid large expanses of empty space above and beneath the data. However this axis can be fixed in place if required by selecting 'Custom' and entering the user-defined values, separated by commas, then clicking 'Update'.