Adding an Export
- In the Export page, click Add New Export button.
- A new Export form opens.
- Enter details.
- Enabled - check to enable export; default checked.
- Name - mandatory; enter name for the export.
- Date and Time Format - select date and time format from drop-down list; default ISO8601 (recommended)
- Timezone - recommended; select the timezone for the export
- Export Frequency - select the export frequency; default Every 15 minutes
- Amount to Export - select the amount to export
- Transport Type - select type of transport required from drop-down list; default FTP. Next input field will be depend on selection.
- FTP - enter FTP details including address, username, password. Address format default at ftp://<address>. Supported protocol includes:
- FTP - standard FTP with ftp://
- SFTP - SSH FTP with sftp://
- FTPS - FTP over TLS (implicit) with ftps://
- FTPES - FTP over TLS (explicit with ftpes://
- Dropbox - authorize a Dropbox account by signing into your Dropbox account.
- Email - enter a valid email address.
- Export Type - select type of export from drop-down list; default Client. Next input field will depend on selection.
- Client - export all sites from the client as defined in Managing Clients. Ensure Include Sub Clients if you wish to export all subclient sites.
- Group - export all sites from the group as defined in Managing Groups. Select the group from the drop-down list.
- Site - export specific site by selecting from the drop-down list.
- Export Format - CSV, JSON or XML - select or state the format required according to the options provided
- File Settings - check if separate file are required for each site, and configure the file settings as required.
- Input Filters - select the inputs that will be added to the export file, exclude inputs not required.
- Click on the help () to get further details of the field. The content preview shows what the export will look like.
- Save.