For the WASP2 and COBRA2 series, there are a total of 4,000 memory locations available for use. The locations are available for all the logger's input data which includes analogue and digital inputs, Modbus and SDI12 inputs, system inputs, PIC Battery Bulk inputs, system and connection logs.
When a logger reads an input during it's scheduled logging time, data from the input will be written into these locations. The number of memory locations each input data occupy will depend on the type of input.
For example:
- 1 memory location for data from a single counter input
- 1 memory location from each of the PIC Battery Bulk inputs
- 1 memory location from a SDI12 input
- 1 memory location from each bulk SDI12 child inputs
- 1 memory location from each system log
- 1+ memory location from each connection log and error
The memory locations are also used to by the system and for the connections. Each system log or connection error will occupy 1 memory location per log and per error - hence, the more connection errors that occur, the faster the memory fills up.