The COBRA2 series product is an all-in-one logger and cellular telemetry unit that can be powered externally - typically from a directly attached solar panel.
It is designed to connect directly to many types of meters & sensors. The meters & sensors supported by your COBRA2 will be determined by its connector types as specified in the full product code.
To get your COBRA2 up and running, follow these steps below to make connections, setup the website and then test the connection.
Step 1 - Activate your COBRA2
Before heading out to site, confirm that your COBRA2 is connecting to and that it's visible in your login:
Activating & Deactivating your Outpost
Step 2 - Make connections
The COBRA2 always has 1 x M8 connector M8 connector for power and up to 2 connectors for meter/sensor connections, depending on the product code. Click on the links in the table below for the detailed wiring for the connection type of your COBRA2.
Connection Type | Product Code Option (description) |
Product options with M12 style connectors |
ENV (General Environmental, 1 x counter & 1 x 4-20mA) SDIM12 (SDI12 interface) |
Product options with "flying lead" connections |
FL (Flow, Leaded) ML (Milliamp, Leaded) |
Step 3 - Confirm website connection
Once connections are made on site, re-activate the Outpost and confirm it can sucessfully connect in the local cellular coverage environment by checking the it has connected since being activated at site.
Step 4 - Setup Outpost site details and input calibrations
Setup site details including site name, project reference in the website: Managing Sites
Setup input calibrations for counter, 4-20mA, SDI12, MODBUS or other input types in the website: Setting Inputs
Step 5 - Confirm data is as expected
After setting up the desired calibrations, re-activate the Outpost to send the new settings down, and then activate one final time to cause calibrated readings to be read and uploaded to the website (all inputs configured to log are forced to read upon an activation).