Adding another row to your series of charts is often simple and straightforward. Sometimes the chart you wish to add is already present on another site within your profile. In that case, follow these steps
- Find the logger which already contains that chart and click on that logger's key icon on the right of screen - this will open up a new page
- Find the chart you wish to save and copy, and click the cog icon on the top right of the chart - on the drop-down menu, select 'Save As Template...'
- In the window that appears, re-name the new template chart how you wish, in this case '7 Day Rain Summary', then click 'Save'
- Go to the logger you wish to add the chart to, and click on 'Add row...' on the top right of the page
5. In the 'Add Graph Row' window that appear you should be able to view the newly saved template on the drop-down menu
6. Select this chart and choose the correct inputs that follow, then click 'Add'