For users with an Admin account, it is possible to create new graphs for each logger in your fleet by using the 'Add row' function
To create a new graph click on the gold key icon on the right of screen under the tools tab. A new page will open up - this is where your site-specific graphs will be saved. From there, click on 'Add row...' and in the window that appears click on 'Add' as the drop-down menu will automatically be set at 'Default Template (Blank)'. Doing this saves a blank 'Untitled Graph' to your page. Alternatively you can select your pre-saved graphs from the drop-down menu (which have been created by following the process described on this page through to completion)
Doing this saves a blank 'Untitled Graph' to your page.
To change the title of the graph, click once on the graph itself and another new window will open up. Clicking on the title of the chart in the new window, in this case 'Data from 29/11/16 14:54:43', will open up another smaller window which allows you to rename your graph title. Entering '#sitename' in this box will pull in the site name automatically - applying a free-text name of your own choice, eg 'Barry's Tank' will save as written but every graph that uses this template afterwards will also be called 'Barry's Tank' and will need to be re-named.
To add data series to the graph, click on the plus sign to the right of 'Data Series' and another window will open.
The 'Site' drop-down defaults to the current site page you have open but allows you to map data from any site your login has access to (access must be at Admin level). Make sure the inputs graphed are selected from the correct logger.
The 'Input' drop-down show all inputs accessible from the selected site.
The 'series name' will be displayed in the data series box and the series type selects the type of graph to be displayed, ie line, area or bar.
You can add multiple inputs to a single graph by clicking on the '+' and repeating the previous step.
The view all or one of the graph inputs, select or deselect as you wish by using the check-boxes on the left of the series name. Deselected data will not appear on the graph and this functionality works like a toggle switch. Alternatively they can be removed entirely by clicking on the red 'x'.
The 'Facts and Figures' box underneath allows you to display recent results, eg the maximum temperature on the current graph view. They are added in the same manner as the 'Data Series' options above and are 'live' while the graph is open in an interactive window, meaning they constantly auto-recalculate with graph changes to represent only the data displayed in the graph at any given time.
Once you are finished or you need to exit the screen it is critical you click on the save icon (floppy disk) underneath the graph otherwise your changes will not be saved.
Now you have set up your site-specific chart, you may want to save this a template in your profile so you can quickly create the same graph without having to go through all of these steps.
To save a graph as a template, click the cog icon located at the top right of the graph and select 'Save As Template...' from the options shown.
Name the template as you wish and click 'Save'
Your templates are saved under your profile only, and are not visible to other Outpost clients. Templates saved to your profile are all visible under the 'Row Template' drop-down menu within the 'Add row...' window. In the same window there is a link to the right of the drop-down menu called 'Manage' - this is where you can delete existing templates should you no longer need them, by clicking on the red 'x'.