WILD-M-B and WILD-M-R series loggers require push button activation (see Activating & Deactivating your logger). Upon a successful push button activation, the loggers LED will commence a sequence of flashes.
Activation LED Sequence
Red LED Code
- Flashing - SIM card error
- Solid - Modem failed to connect to the network or modem connected but only partially uploaded data.
Green LED Flashing Code
- 1 flash - Device has a low signal on registered network
- 2 flashes - Device has a low-medium signal on registered network
- 3 flashes - Device has a medium signal on registered network
- 4 flashes - Device has medium-high signal on registered network
- 5 flashes - Device has high signal on registered network
Trouble Shooting RED LED
- Red LED Flashing - SIM Card Error
For water-sealed products such as WILD-M-B and WILD-M-R, red flashing LED should never occur. It indicates that a SIM card cannot be detected, which means the SIM card may be damaged or faulty.
Suggested action: Re-attempt a connection in a location of known reasonable signal (ie back at office) to confirm possible damage, then start RMA process.
- Red LED Solid - Modem failed to connect to the network / modem connected but only partially uploaded data.
A solid red LED can occur if the logger fails to connect to the cellular network or if the logger manages to connect but only partially uploads data. This can occur in rural or remote locations, or in locations where signal is heavily degraded or interfered such as; underground, in plant rooms, in manholes with lids or in basements. If your cellphone can communicate but the logger can't, it is possible in some remote locations that the action of simply bringing the logger up to head-height can give sufficient increase in signal to the nearest cellular tower.
Suggested action: See Trouble Shooting Poor Signal
Troubleshooting Poor Signal
- Attempt to elevate the antenna, either by elevating the logger or by using an antenna extension cable.
- Attempt to use a higher gain antenna.
- If all attempts with fail, attempt a connection in a location of known reasonable signal (ie back at an office) to confirm possible damage to the failing devices. If still no function, start RMA process.